Alejandra Slatapolsky




No industry relies more on trust-building than financial services. We just won’t open our wallets to companies or people that we don’t intrinsically trust.

Building trust in a brand is a hard and long-term engagement. However, there is something that C-suite leaders can do to accelerate that process and establish that trust themselves: by positioning themselves as trusted guides.

Executives who work on their personal brand find that this leads to easier conversion processes, and it reflects positively on their business brands.

Here are some best practices to authentically and in your own voice share your authority and perspectives:

  1. Spotlight Your Specific Industry Experience: Try to go specifically to your niche. What part of the financial services industry do you specialize in?
  2. Simplify Complex Topics: Use your expertise to break down complicated finance concepts into understandable, everyday language. Explain jargon, offer analogies, and provide concrete takeaways so that readers feel empowered. Even the most experienced sometimes get lost with new (and old!) concepts.
  3. Address Industry Skepticism: Proactively acknowledge consumer pain points and skepticism towards banking. Then offer guidance on how the industry can improve and rebuild trust. Be transparent about past failures.
  4. Share Regulation Insights: Your measured, unbiased takes on new regulations and their implications can help audiences understand the forces shaping finance. Avoid political bias.
  5. Discuss Emerging Trends: Establish forward-thinking expertise by spotlighting trends like blockchain, AI, crypto, and ESG. Educate on separating hype from reality in these evolving spaces.
  6. Collaborate with Influencers: Work with fintech influencers to co-create content and cross-promote expertise. Ensure your values align.
  7. Choose Accessible Platforms: Meet audiences where they are by diversifying beyond LinkedIn. Connect with consumers where they are, but be aware of what they are looking for. If they are on Instagram, TikTok, they will be relaxing. On podcasts they are looking for education, ets.
  8. Remain Authentic: Keep your unique voice vs. mimicking others’ approaches. Successful positioning comes from a genuine desire to educate, not ego.  
  9. Continuously Learn: Regularly consume knowledge from conferences, fellow leaders, and publications. Fresh perspectives or simply connecting the dots will be a way to keep your content unique.

Thought leadership is a win-win for executives and consumers alike. Thought leadership allows financial executives to boost their reputation and recognition while providing value. By positioning themselves as trusted guides, leaders can establish their authority, indirectly fuel company growth, and empower consumers with unbiased insights. The key is finding an authentic voice to simplify complex topics and illuminate trends. Thought leadership is a win-win opportunity to grow personal influence and contribute to the greater good. What unique perspectives can you leverage?