Gabriela Pulido



Marketing & Communications

The changes we see in consumers today reflect a clear influence of ethical and social values on their purchasing decisions. In this demanding current environment, customer satisfaction is no longer determined solely by the product or service itself, but by the purpose and values that the brand behind them represents.

A recent study by IBM reveals that consumers now prioritize a brand's values over other factors such as price or convenience. This is a monumental change: customers are increasingly looking for an alignment between their own values and those of the brand, creating meaningful bonds that go beyond the mere commercial transaction. Transparency has become an ineludible norm, with users demanding more information about companies' production processes, ingredients and ethical practices.

Issues such as environmental sustainability continue to gain prominence, with customers aligning themselves more with firms that promote responsible consumption and practices that respect the environment. Likewise, the desire for personalized experiences has intensified, forcing brands to adapt their offerings to the individual needs and preferences of consumers.

In this context, the era of purpose-driven branding is emerging with force, a strategy where companies define and communicate a transcendent mission that goes beyond the mere sale of products. This approach is based on four fundamental pillars:

  1. Authenticity: guaranteeing honest and coherent interactions between the brand and its customers, fulfilling what is promised.
  2. Differentiation: highlighting the unique attributes of the brand to stand out in such a competitive environment.
  3. Relevance: knowing in depth the needs, desires and values of consumers, to create brands that are truly connected with them.
  4. Consistency: maintaining a coherent brand narrative, aesthetic and experience across all customer touchpoints.

As we navigate this new landscape, let us embrace the transformative power of a clear and well-defined purpose. By aligning our brands with authentic values, we forge deep connections, foster loyalty and elevate the customer experience. It is not just about selling products, but about creating a joint movement around a shared purpose and values.

Companies that manage to position themselves under this new paradigm will reap enormous benefits. The Havas Media "Brands with Purpose" report shows that brands with purpose grow more than 175% compared to traditional brands. Another study by Kantar reveals that 53% of consumers choose, recommend and pay more for products that come from sustainability-oriented companies.

Even in times of crisis, brands with purpose are more resilient. An analysis by Edelman shows that during the 2008 recession, 60% of firms with a strong purpose managed to maintain or increase their sales. The reasons are clear: they generate a closer emotional bond, a loyal community willing to support them even in difficult times.

But for a purpose-driven brand strategy to succeed, it must be authentic. Consumers quickly detect if it is a superficial tactic or if there is an honest commitment behind it. Here are some keys to genuinely building a purpose-driven brand:

  • Identify a cause that really motivates, with the ability to generate a positive impact on society.
  • Communicate the purpose transparently at all touchpoints.
  • Demonstrate with facts how the brand contributes to this cause in a tangible way.
  • Involve employees and partners, making them part of the purpose.
  • Actively listen to the concerns of the community and integrate them.

Aligning your brand with a clear purpose is a lever for growth. Brands that want to scale must evolve towards a new model that puts the real needs of people and the environment at the center. With vision, consistency, and commitment, a solid strategy around a genuine purpose drives sustainable business growth.