
5 keys to define and align your teams

Marketing & Communications

Talent, especially post-pandemic, continues to be the main challenge for organizations, regardless of their size, around the world. Without aligned talent, scalability and a strong brand will always be an unachivable goal.

We all know that a good team can achieve miracles, and a team with poor morale or a toxic culture not only decreases productivity, but even destroys organizations.

But as many of us have experienced firsthand, reaching the point of a truly aligned team takes time, effort, and much more than motivational speeches.

So how do you get at least closer? Here are some of the keys that we have identified in our scalability work with clients.

  1. Key objectives and transparency. Being an integrated organization is more than a trend. Your team’s understanding (and buy in!) of the goals will propel you to reach them faster. They say you have to share a message seven times for it to be understood. So repeat your goals to your team often.
  2. Humility. Simon Sinek says leaders should be the last to speak at meetings. The best ideas can come from anyone, make sure you are open and available to hear them.
  3. SWOT. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of your team members and build it around their abilities. Maybe the person who does accounting today is a great copywriter.
  4. Results, not hours. There are many organizations that continue to measure proactivity by hours worked. Focus on quality and results, beyond times and schedules, and you will improve not only productivity, but also commitment.
  5. Technology. The tools that help manage, automate and process tasks are endless. Making sure you have the right tools to get the job done efficiently, without drowning the team in unnecessary reporting work.

TIP: Building a strong organizational culture will help all team members feel part of the success and work motivated to be an active part of your why.

In short, take advantage of the team you have, involve them in making strategic decisions and focus on their strengths, being flexible in their assignments. This way you will be able to take them from team members to game changers.

Do you want to delve further? In our ScaleX program we help you define your growth options by leveraging the right equipment and tools