Universidad Metropolitana

The Universidad Metropolitana, one of the most recognized universities in Venezuela, that seeks to positively impact the country by guiding professionals who transform ideas into realities, is undergoing an internal transformation and needed to rethink its brand to accompany these changes.

Maintaining a strong legacy and reflecting its constant updating, closely integrated with the professional world and today's society.

Social Impact and Education
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Growth Strategy

We worked hand in hand with the academic council and boardof directors to understand the scope of the internal transformation planned bythe university, the challenges faced and the trends in the educationalcategory.

We defined a new north, business ambition and understooddeeply the ley stakeholders, maintaining a strong link with its legacy andinitial essence, updating it to these new times and dynamics.

Brand Consulting

Based on the agreed opportunity space and brand strategy, wedefined the degree of change required by the brand: an evolution of the brandwas approved by all internal stakeholders.

We maintained key elements associated to the brand (theorange color and the overall vertical shape with an U and M), and gave it amore modern and solid look, making it easier to apply on digital touch points,and creating a whole consistent visual system to apply throughout all itsdifferent communications. We also review the brand ecosystem and aligned thedifferent subbrands.


We detailed all the new brand identity and ecosystem in acomplete brand manual, to ensure the correct application of the brandthroughout all touch points and from all departments.

A key piece to launch and communicate the new valueproposition and identity was the website, that we redefined and reorganizedcompletely to be able to attract new talents and future students, connect andsupport current students and teachers, and be able to project a strong andunique image of the university nationally and internationally.

The evolution of a brand with an entrepreneurial spirit